With the rise of Trump and his word to make America great (again), it has to be asked when was it ever great, was it when the Indians were murdered in the millions, killed when their land was taken from them, something that historically speaking is ignored, the reality of what happened, to the original inhabitants. Is the man of wind proud of slavery where millions of people were stolen, kidnapped tortured murdered made to work on land stolen to make some people rich, a system that built the USA, it's economy is built on violence and murder. Is the KKK something Trump is proud of though, he has their support, the hangings of Black People the racist laws, police, governments that allowed racism to continue for so long and still does, Black Lives Matter. He wants to spread racism his attacks on Muslims, Hispanics and Mexicans are a sign of the where he wants to be, encouraging hatred, harking backwards will only make life harder for some and it won't be hard for trump. People should be given hope, not a return to quite shameful parts of history, Trump has been called a fascist which isn't far from the truth. For Trump foreign policy will also represent the USA's greatness more intervention more wars for it;s own interests and other countries resources, more control and power over others and more people dead.
Since the Brexit vote and the apparent drive to get out of Europe, people that are seen as people that should not be here have been attacked whether, they be Esstern European, Asian or from the Middle East all because of racists and fascists feeling victorious due to the success of racists from ukip, the tories. Fascists from different groups have marches across the UK to try and benefit from this racism, all trying to build their support, but fortunately have failed miserably, demonstrations by fascists have been small and easily outnumbered by anti fascists. in Nottingham, We had the same on Saturday the 6th of August We had the fascist edl,that had called for a national demo in Nottingham. This group renowned from day one of their creation as being drunken Islamaphobes, pub crawls being as important as their hatred of Muslims, everybody else. Nottingham people as soon as the 70 odd fascists began to march after 2-3 hours in a pub, they were met with p...
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